A Prospection of an empirical study of local protectionism and market segmentation around Bohai region 环渤海区域地方保护和市场分割实证研究展望
The benefits of market segmentation is the enterprise can concentrate manpower, material resources into target markets. 市场细分的好处是企业可以集中人力、物力投入目标市场。
Study of Rural Bus Design with Market Segmentation Method 市场细分方法下的农村公交车设计研究
The Theory of Labor Market Segmentation and Discrimination of Radical Economics 激进经济学的劳动力市场分割理论和歧视理论述评
As the residential market segmentation by product type," villa "meet the pursuit of a new life. 作为住宅市场细分出来的一种产品类型,“别墅”满足了人们对新生活的追求。
Market segmentation is the division of the market or population into subgroups with similar motivations. 市场细分是划分市场或人口问题纳入分组类似的动机。
Research on Market Segmentation of Changchun Digital Pay-TV Programs 长春市数字电视付费节目市场细分研究
Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness. 市场划分是提高广告收效的第三个因素。
Research on Price Discrepancy of A-share and H-share Market Segmentation 市场分割下A股和H股的价格差异研究
This study supports applicability of market segmentation for needs assessment of health promotion and health education. 本研究建议可运用市场区隔作为健康促进及卫生教育需求评估的工具。
Study on Market Segmentation Method of Logistics Customer Based on Business Intelligence 基于商务智能的物流客户市场细分方法研究
To Study on Customer Value Evaluating System and Market Segmentation Method Based on AHP 基于AHP的客户价值评价体系及市场细分方法研究
An Empirical Study on Market Segmentation and Market Integration of Chinese A-share Market and Hong Kong Stock Market 中国A股市场和香港股票市场分割与一体化实证研究
And dividing a market into segments according to customers'needs, wants and interest is called market segmentation. 根据顾客的需要需求与兴趣,把&个市场划分为几个部分,叫做市场细分。
Define the three steps of target marketing: market segmentation, market targeting, and market positioning. 详细说明目标营销的三个主要步骤:市场细分、市场目标化和市场定位。
This article first marketing theory, such as market segmentation and target theory, competition in the market theory, portfolio theory, such as marketing review. 本文首先对市场营销的相关理论,如市场细分与目标化理论、市场竞争理论、市场营销组合理论等进行回顾。
Application of Mixture Regression Model in Market Segmentation of Department Stores 混合回归模型在百货商店市场细分中的应用
To achieve this, we must carry out market segmentation and market positioning. 要达到这个目标就要进行市场细分和市场定位。
Model of Market Segmentation Based on Consumer Behavior: The Mobile Communication Industry Perspective 基于消费行为的市场细分模型构建与验证&以移动通信行业为例
Theoretically, the TV channel specialization has close connection with the theory of "market segmentation". 在理论上,电视频道专业化与市场营销学的市场细分理论密切相美。
In-depth market segmentation on each of the vertical segments is also provided. 垂直市场的上下游关联市场细分在该报告中也有深刻分析。
A Method for Customer Market Segmentation Based on Rough Sets and SOM Network 基于粗糙集和SOM网络的客户市场细分方法
An Analysis of Business Model Applied by Third Part Logistics Company Based on Market Segmentation 基于细分市场的第三方物流企业商业模式研究
Several Brazilian manufacturers conduct a policy of market segmentation, using separate brands. 一些巴西制造商的政策进行市场细分,用不同的品牌。
Local Protectionism, Market Segmentation and the Firm's Sustained Growth 地方保护、市场分割与上市企业可持续增长
Research on the Asset Pricing Efficiency of Dual-listed Companies of China Under Market Segmentation 市场分割下中国双重上市公司资产定价效率问题研究
Benefit Segmentation, Market Segmentation, International Express Industry. 利益区隔,市场区隔,国际快递业。
The Study on the International Tourism Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategy in Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省国际旅游市场细分和营销策略研究
Under the deepening of market segmentation and the stimulation of increasing homogeneous competition, the products and services of Shang Hai Economical Hotels are facing with great challenges. 随着市场细分的深入和同质竞争的加剧,上海经济型酒店的产品和服务正面临着巨大挑战。
Market segmentation is one of the most important taches in making marketing stratagem. 市场细分是现代企业制定营销战略的关键环节。